TechTalk with Mr. Hood S1E4 by L Hood
This episode of TechTalk includes information for students who are doing distance learning and Mr. Hood details assignments remaining for the closing out of the school year. He also talks about new issues concerning Microsoft updates that are causing alot of problems for gamers and how to fix your system if your experiencing these same issues. Copyright 2020 Larry Hood All Rights Reserved via YouTube
TechTalk With Mr.Hood by L Hood
Weekly TechTalk with Mr. Hood Theme & Background Music by L.Hood In this First episode Mr. Hood updates his class on Distance Learning assignments and an overview of activities and projects upcoming. He also explores new APPS that are being used to fight this global pandemic. It also includes a special guest my lovely wife Helen who is a Licensed Marriage and Family therapist in Los Angeles and shares insight on how to cope with stress through this stay at home order due to COVID-19. Her info can be found here: Tune in each week for special guests more on Exploring Computer Science and Emerging Technology twitter @BusTechAcademy web: via YouTube
TechTalk With Mr.Hood S1E2 by L Hood
Weekly TechTalk with Mr. Hood This Weeks episode of TechTalk includes updates for the week of April 20th for Distance Learning. It also includes information on emerging technology trends in mobile app development as it relates to COVID-19. Tune in as we journey through the fast moving world of computer science. Contact Tracing Apps and using Bluetooth are leading the digital wave of people working to lift the lockdown using these technologies. via YouTube
TechTalk with Mr. Hood by L Hood
TechTalk with Mr. Hood S1E3 via YouTube |
July 2023
AuthorMr. L. Hood Categories |